Looking for a solution to the biggest skincare concern – Blackheads and Clogged Pores ? Murad Skincare for rescue

How many times have you stared at yourself in the mirror while putting the makeup on.  Are you somebody who got rid of blushes because you felt – ‘Blushers in general’ was emphasizing your pores making them appear larger.

Blackheads and Clogged Pores are the worst enemies of everyone. In simple words – blackhead is a sebum build-up, dead skin cells, bacteria, and dirt. This is a plug that can grow in size and expand the pore walls, making a pore appear larger.

A blackhead appears on skin like a dark spot. The spot can be tiny, barely visible (like the size of a pin) or quite large and visible. Blackheads are most common on the nose. You can also see them on the cheeks, chin, forehead etc. In today’s post – I am sharing my most loved and most favorite skincare products that help get rid of these worst enemies for that smooth and firm clear skin.

WHO understands this better than Dr. Murad himself – every skin is different, so needs different care to address and improve skin concerns. Murad Pore Reform skin care products are designed to help clear and prevent clogged pores, whiteheads and blackheads. These specially formulated products are targeted to treat clogged pores and blackheads by extracting existing clogs and thereby prevent future blackheads as well.


The Emotional Impact of Acne on a person’s everyday life – My acne story – My Skin Care Routine

Makeupholics, Today’s post is about my acne story. I am also sharing my current skincare routine. Having severe breakouts sucks literally, I know that. Even when it’s not a life-threatening or serious disease, its impact on our emotional health is immense. No doubt about it. I know one can be very upset when he/she face acne related issues. Remember, being unhappy and stressed will only make acne worse, so don’t let it win! If you’re having an outbreak of acne, there’s a lot you can do to keep it from putting a dent in your self-esteem. There’s no need to let blemishes or acne stop you from keeping up your social life.
