MAC Lipstick Vegas Volt

No sooner than January 2014 was I a bright lipstick virgin,or say lipstick virgin as in total,all I owned were a few lip glosses, as I thought that lipsticks were for aunties, did not even want to touch the lightest of shades leave alone these bright boys like vegas volt,but the ice  broke( read lipstick virginity.. ehh I seem to talk like a big girl here :p) when I got my girl about town ,and girl it did make go whirling all about town ,and henceforth never has been a day that I don’t crave for bright punchy lip, I love playful colours like Vegas volt they just add the girly touch. This boy is one hard one to capture the actual colour of, but hell yeah I got it right after like one hundred five twenty five clicks( read: really a  huge number of clicks) so ladies and their lovers here I present to you my review of my summer kick start MAC Vegas Volt


