
Taking a break for a few days…:) and a Quick Update

Hi to all my sweeties  out there….I am writing this lil post to let you know that  I’ll be taking a break from Blogging….I am going back to my home town and We don’t really know to which project is my husband gonna sign in next to :)….Depending on his project, We will have to shift to a new place…it can be in India or somewhere else….So I am taking a break from all the blogging stuffs for a short time….Once I reach home and get settled…I will start reviewing products :)))

We are planning for a small trip too 🙂 will post more details about that also….So kindly bear with me….Giveaway will continue like this and  I Will choose 2 Indian Residents as winners(Who satisfy all the requirements of the giveaway)
Any double entries would be counted as Invalid… I have the IP of all who have entered comments in my giveaway page..:).. I see a lot of fake profiles too 🙂 Some of the people even raised a question on whether I am giving away the product which  I used…Strictly no..I have bought 2 each and I have kept one full set for my personal use…. 🙂 
When  I post the winners, I will take photographs of the package along with my own palette and brush set:) Can’t do it right now..as I have already packed them securely inside my suitcase…I am really stucked up with the baggage packing and my baggage have already crossed limit and so, I will be sending some items through DHL ….Once I reach India..I have also planned for a blog sale of the few items which  are of no use to me…
as its of a wrong shade….
All the best to all participants of the giveaway!!!…..
There is a surprise gift for a random person too :)I won’t disclose the surprise gift now…. 🙂 I will choose a person randomly and give a special gift….:) 

Also more giveaways are coming up…….
You can also write guest posts for my blog and you can send your posts with the heading “Guest Post” to renjianooj@makeupholicworld.com

I will be leaving UK by the middle of July and I can’t do any product reviews till I reach India, as I have packed all of my makeup stuffs 🙂 🙂 🙂

If you have any tips on what all things I should carry in my handbag, You can comment it below…It would be of great help to me..I will also do a post on how I packed all my stuffs….I will do that within a week…:)

Enjoy Guys….
I will talk to you guys soon…


Entrepreneur, Makeup geek, Shopaholic, Dreamer, Love product photography. Passionate about makeup and living naturally. Welcome to my little world of secrets!

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  1. Hi Renji
    All the best wishes for your new place… Thanks for till now for a fantastic work in this blog… Keep doing… Have a good break…
    With love and regards

  2. Hi Renji
    All the best wishes for your new place… Thanks for till now for a fantastic work in this blog… Keep doing… Have a good break…
    With love and regards

  3. Anonymous says:

    What is wrong with your website now? My first click and your money making ad click takes me to adult websites. Are you out of your mind?? So much to make money to fuel your shopping addiction that you will stoop to this level? Shame on you Renji.

    1. Hey,,. I haven’t done anything wrong as said by you above……I don’t think Google ads that were displaying on my blog were bad…Don’t you know,There is an option to activate ad block in your browser settings which will always disable you from seeing unwanted ads….:) Also, why are you posting as anonymous…why don’t you use your real ID and name….If you read clearly in my blog’s Disclosure policy statement no:7, I have clearly specified that Any ads I run on my site are served by Google Ad sense and 99% of the products advertised in these ads have never been reviewed on my blog….Also, as you said…I am not generating any money using my blog..Baby, I dnt need to make money using my blog…neither I am doing any paid reviews…All products am purchasing and All shopping I am doing is just using my own money.. I am a software professional by profession and I am doing blogging as a passion..not for money making……Next time..before blaming others, think twice…All my subscribers who rate and read my comments know me better…Hater lady, U hate me and my blog…It’s just like a drop in the ocean…I am getting affection and care from all other blogger friends around..:)) Good Night

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