30 Day Eye Makeup Challenge

30 Day Eye Makeup Look – Day 15: Red n Olive Green

Hi dearies….here I am with another easy peasy look…
30 Day Eye Makeup Look 
Day 15: Red n Olive Green
I used BH cosmetics palette for this look 🙂
I was really really very busy with studies and other work.. Sorry for not posting this look before ….
Hope you like it 🙂 I now completed half way of the challenge…yay!!!!
I know most of you might think why this girl is not updating the eye looks 🙂 hehehe…Sorry dolls…
Pinky promise,…I will be regular from now onwards……..

You can see all looks I created for 30 Day Eye Makeup Challenge by clicking here


Entrepreneur, Makeup geek, Shopaholic, Dreamer, Love product photography. Passionate about makeup and living naturally. Welcome to my little world of secrets!

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  1. It looks absolutely the same as the day 14 look, besides the eye shadows on your eyelids look more vibrant. Great skills in applying your makeup using the same scheme and great skills in taking pictures at the same angle too ^_^

    1. thanks dear… If you are a regular reader of my blog …U can see that I mostly photograph pictures in the same angle… hehhe:)
      I know which angle is perfect and has good lighting…hhehe result of experimenting with every other angle…………:)

  2. The combination of shades looks beautiful together.. 🙂

  3. Loved the color combinations <3 .. Killer eye makeup !! <3’ed it dear 🙂

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