Guest Post by Poorna
I love stuff with Vitamin C in it, therefore, when I found out about Epishine, which is a serum with around 15% Vitamin C in it, imagine my happiness. I immediately opened it, and started using it. It was packed securely in a blue container, and as I took it, I could almost feel my skin say, “Hello there!” when I opened it. Following the instructions written on the package, I started using it immediately.
Product Description: Epishine, with its special blend of actives & customized base, helps to control signs of ageing, under eye dark circles, fluffy eye bags, and fine lines. Epishine, also rejuvenates face and skin. High concentration of Vitamin C with Nicotinamide helps keep your skin blemishes free and Hyaluronic Acid adds to it. Regular use of this product gives perfect radiant skin all year long.
Packaging & Price : 1080 INR for 15 ml. have you used Garnier eye roll on, TBS pomegranate roll on- This one here looks like that!

My experience using Epishine
I was pretty excited about Epishine – it contains about 15% Vitamin C, and my skin, in general, loves anything with Vitamin C in it, so I was all for using it. The product comes in a roll-on tube, which is useful for target application, especially around your eyes. It is totally transparent, and cannot really be seen much, until and unless I look closely, so well, after a few futile attempts at photographing it, I gave up.
I started to use it regularly from the very beginning! Alas, within the first couple of days’ application, my skin started to break out. At first I blamed my hormones, and bravely ploughed on, but after the next few days, when my skin refused to back down, and kept on breaking out, I decided to give this a rest, and immediately after it subsided. So well, there went my dreams of this product ever being used on my face.
But, I thought, why not use it on my eye area. After applying a dab of it on the corner of my eyes for a day or so, I saw no visible reaction, so decided to use it as an under-eye gel. Thankfully it did not break me out this time, so I got brave and applied it again on my cheeks, thinking that the previous time was probably a jinx. Alas! Pimples returned furiously, and I quickly retreated back to the drawing board, and stuck to using this around my eyes.
I have used it quite a lot actually, and the much-used product says so. Sadly, it does not do anything for my skin at all! Which is really disappointing for a product which costs 1080/- INR for 15 ml. of it. For my under eyes, it did not do anything much apart from making the skin look slightly more luminescent around my eyes. It did not do anything for the dark circles and bags under my eyes, so it was a failure in that department, sadly.
Overall, although I know skincare products are subjective to individual skin type, in my case, sadly, this product did not make any impression. I have normal slightly sensitive skin, and it did not work for me. If any of you have used this, what do you think?
** Product send by brand PR.
Hi i am sibi i have dark circle on under eye problem. i consult a doctor. He prescribed this medicine but this is not available in market. please inform me where is available this. State : Kerala, Dist : Kollam