
My First Blogger Award……Yay!!!

Hi to all makeupholics……I am so very excited today as I got my first blogger award from  of http://shaz-maquillage.blogspot.in
Many Thanks Shazia….I am so thankful to you, Shazia for giving this award to me…..
I feel so happy when others read my blog posts and comment on them and email me the suggestions and feedbacks… I am so very excited about people actually following my blog….

    1. Nominate 15 fellow bloggers who are relatively new to blogging
    2. let them know you have nominated them.
    3. share 7 random facts about yourself.
    4. thank the bloggers you who have nominated you.
    5. add the Versatile Blogger Picture to your blog.
and now! 7 random facts about me:)

  • Apart from blogging I love Poems so much; and I do write poems……My poems have got features in WritersCafe- An online Poet Community too
  • I am a concealerholic person…awww…This can make you laugh, but this is how I ended up as a shopaholic….
  • I love my husband sooo much…I am soo crazy about him..I will keep on irritating him so much to show my love..Just like Tom and Jerry…But We can’t live without each other…
  • I am a Software Quality Analyst by Profession
  • Bad smell is the one thing I hate about people
  • I love to explore new places and ofcourse I am a crazy shopaholic for Eye shadows and cute dresses
  • I am a dreamer..I dream of a fairytale land.. just like Alice from Alice in Wonderland….
Yay!!!! Reading my 7 random facts, don’t think I am soo lazy hehehe:D…this is the way I am and I love it….

Now its thanks giving time….Thanks a lot Shazia…
Beauties..Here’s a link to her blog…Its a wonderful blog; Please do visit her blog…

Now, Here is the list of bloggers below whom I would like to nominate….

Enjoy Gals….


Entrepreneur, Makeup geek, Shopaholic, Dreamer, Love product photography. Passionate about makeup and living naturally. Welcome to my little world of secrets!

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