
Finally I am back!!!

Hi to all my sweet makeupholics there!
I know that I was not active since 15 days now…Finally I am back!
I was going through a lots of problems in my life:(
I reached India last week, But, was unable to acces internet….My mother in law was hospitalised……and Now, she’s discharged and is in bed rest..So,I was not in a mood to do new blog posts….Every one @ home is so much tensed and everyone is praying for her speedy recovery….I will be back very soon with loads and loads of blog posts, tutorials….
The giveaway happening on the blog right now is to finish in 5 days!…
I will pick up two winners and will inform through blog post….Good Luck to all!
and please do pray for the speedy recovery of my mother in law….


Entrepreneur, Makeup geek, Shopaholic, Dreamer, Love product photography. Passionate about makeup and living naturally. Welcome to my little world of secrets!

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