
Giveaway Winner

Hi dearies….So , Here I am going to announce the GIVEAWAY WINNER…..yay!!! First of all
Let me thank each one of my subscribers for the love and care shown towards me..For the kindness and care, u all showered on my blog…:) and for participating in this giveaway…Even if you didn’t win..Don’t panic…I have planned yet another cute giveaways in future:))

I really had a tough time in selecting the winner…I received a total of 34505 entries
There were a couple of fake as well as invalid entries too, I had to reject a couple of people who got selected as they didn’t follow the mandatory step that is email subscription. The first winner who got selected was Anna Xoutou , But unfortunately i had to reject her as she have failed to subscribe to my email updates…. Next, I selected 
erma riestiana, I had to reject her too as she too failed to subscribe to my email updates…Sorry Anna and Erma, Email Subscription is a mandatory entry..Rules are Rules and I have to reject you guys as you failed to follow the basic steps…So I selected a next Winner:))

Now lets move on to the Winner….The winner is …………………………

Congrats Jyo :))
Enjoy your Urban Decay & Sleek Makeup Goodies!!!!! You are so lucky!!!

Thanks for all Participants:))


Entrepreneur, Makeup geek, Shopaholic, Dreamer, Love product photography. Passionate about makeup and living naturally. Welcome to my little world of secrets!

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  1. wowwwww… jyo won 😀

    1. yep yep I won. For a change. O:)

  2. oh wow..congrats jyo…this year u gonna win lots of giveaways!!!

    1. hehe. Thanks Ritika. 😀 I so hope i do. ^_^

    2. es ritika…I too think soo… already she won 3 giveaways…

  3. congoz jyo..:)

    1. Thankies Preetha. 😀 <3

  4. wow congrats ! renji next time i will pakka participate dear 🙂

    1. Thanks Dear. 🙂

  5. wohooooooooooooo…. congratz Jo… 😀

    renji u saved some on shipping… 🙂

    this calls for a party from both u & Jo 😀


    1. Hihi. M so happy Revs. 😀 party pakka. whenever we meet. 😀

    2. yes…sure:)) revu..:))

  6. yayayayayaya m happy dancing even though thats not possible for me right now…lolz. 😀 For a change i can say *lucky me*/ hehe. 😀 thanks a lot Renji for hosting the giveaway!!! And thank god i entered before time. 😛 ^_^

    1. 🙂 happy for u jyo:)))

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