Beauty Tips

Treat Your Acne Safely

7 Simple but Unbelievably Effective Homemade Acne Cleansers …

Home Acne Treatments
 not only work well, but they save money. They can also be less abrasive than marketed Cleansers. fighting Acne is a pain, but these 7 Home made acne cleansers are safe for your skin, easy on the wallet, and just overall awesome. 

The good thing about home acne treatments is they often use natural products instead of harsh chemicals found in over-the-counter or prescription acne treatments, making them ideal for sensitive skin. So, if you want to learn to make your own home acne treatments, keep reading!

Note: If you have severe acne…These might not work for you…Please visit a doctor instead…These tips are for people with slight acne (new ones)


It seems really crazy to put oil on your oily acne prone skin. Olive oil has been used for many years as a cleanser and works wonders as home acne treatment. For best results pour a small amount of olive oil onto your hands and massage deeply into the skin. Allow the oil to sit for at least 3 minutes, then place a steamy towel over the faceThe Steam will help pull impurities out of your pores. After the towel cools use it to wipe away the remaining oil.


Castor oil works the same way as olive oil for a home acne cleanser. The reason why these oils work as facial cleansers is because skin naturally contains oil. Many of the cleanser we buy are branded as “oil-free.” water doesn’t dissolve oil, oil dissolves oil. When the oils from the skin are removed, the body creates even more oil creating oily skin, or it may react by not creating any oil and thus leaving your skin dry. It makes sense to use oil to help gently remove the dirt and oil from your face to help clear acne.


Baking soda works in two different ways as an at-home acne treatment.

First it exfoliates the skin by buffing away dead skin and opening up clogged pores. Another way is the alkaline substance of baking soda kills off bacteria in the skin that causes acne. To use baking soda, wet your face and then create a paste with baking soda and water in your hand. Massage the paste into your face gently for one minute. Finish by rinsing with cool water and patting dry.


Oatmeal is not only good for your body, it does wonders for you skin too. Oatmeal is naturally high in vitamins which makes it perfect to reduce redness and inflammation caused by acne. Create your own at acne treatment by soaking ? a cup of oatmeal in 1 cup of boiling water. After the oatmeal mixture has cooled, apply it to your face and gently massage the skin. After one to two minutes rinse off the oatmeal.


Honey is another terrific at home acne treatment. Honey contains antibacterial properties and can help hydrate the skin. You can create a simple honey mask just by massaging natural honey into the skin and allowing it to sit for 15 to 30 minutes. Rinse off with warm water. One way to enjoy this mask is to apply it before soaking in a warm bath after a long day at work for a little rest and relaxation.


Steam opens the pores and allows the impurities to escape. Boil a pot of water and then let it cool for a few minutes. Hang your face over the cooled pot of water with a towel draped over your head to trap the steam in. After 10 minutes you can remove the towel and dry the steam off your face.


Apple cider vinegar has been used as an at home cure for many different things over the years. Because apple cider vinegar is unprocessed and contains many natural properties it works wonders as an at home Acne treatment. To use, mix one part apple cider vinegar with 3 parts water. Dab the mixture onto the face with a cotton ball.


 Do you have recipes for any other home acne treatments you’d like to share?


Entrepreneur, Makeup geek, Shopaholic, Dreamer, Love product photography. Passionate about makeup and living naturally. Welcome to my little world of secrets!

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