MABH Fast Hair Growth Oil – Finally a good hair oil in Indian Market

Hiya makeupholics….Hope you guys are enjoying the holidays…Many of you have been asking me about my hair care routine, what oil I use. About managing and maintaining the hair etc…Today, I decided to blog about my current favorite hair oil which was introduced to me by my blogger friend Lancy. I have been using this since more than a month now and I am finishing my first bottle. I think its the right time to do a review about it. I generally don’t experiment with hair oils. Since so many years I have been using Castor Oil+Almond Oil+Olive Oil for my hair..But, Ever since I have moved to Hyderabad, I don’t get the time and patience to mix the oils, gently warm it up and use…Honestly, When I heard about this oil for the first time, I didn’t believe the results which others were raving about…I was impressed by the fact that MABH oil was made using all natural ingredients and doesn’t contain any preservatives/parabens/any other harsh chemicals and most importantly, It was made using 18 essential herbs and is made by Lancy’s mom. I got excited and decided to use it…To know my experience using MABH hair oil….Keep reading!



What does it claim
>>Stops hairfall
>>Fastens hairgrowth
>>Makes hair soft
>>Removes Dandruff
>>100% natural
>>No silicones
>>No preservatives
>> No colorants
>>No parabens

Read more about this oil, usage instructions etc here


Packaging & Price:

Comes in a plastic bottle with yellow lid as shown above. Now, they have improved the packaging (plastic bottle with a green lid). You can see the newly packaged product also in the pictures below. With the new packaging, of Course its travel friendly. Price: 400 Rs for 100 ml;

Buy it online from MABH here



My experience using MABH hair oil

I oil my hair 3-4 times a week and by God’s grace, I have a naturally healthy thick hair with no hairfall, dandruff/other hair growth issues ***Touchwood***. I have an oily scalp. I have never ironed, straightened or did any colouring for my hair. From my childhood days, I used to use home made oils which my mom made. She made those oils out of curryleaves, and some other medicinal plants..When I grew up and moved to a different country after marriage, I found it difficult to make the same oil and I was relying completely on Aloeveda Castor oil, sweet almond oil, olive oil. AS MABH is completely natural and preservative free I was excited to try it..  MABH oil comes in a plastic bottle with a screw lid and a stopper to control the spilling. I have heard so many complaints regarding the old packaging of MABH. Luckily, it reached me in a safe condition without any leakage/spilling. All thanks to Lancy…

This is a light golden yellow color oil with a  mild herbal fragrance..not heavy/over powering  at all. i have been using it since more than a month now . The consistency of this oil is quite runny; But, it doesn’t make your hair greasy/oily at all which I totally love. As i have no hairfall or dandruff problem, I don’t know how effective is this oil in getting rid of all that. I used this oil as a pre wash treatment. I like to apply the oil in the evening and I gently warm the oil before applying on to my scalp. I carefully massage the oil onto my scalp, roots etc and securely tie everything using a hair claw and will leave it while  I get engaged in my cooking/household chores..Aftre 1-2 hours, I dip a towel in hot water, drain the water out of it and tie my hair and leave it like that for about half an hour . Before sleep I wash off this my hair  using a mild shampoo. I use kerastase elixir from the middle of my hair towards the roots.


Now, putting together my comments in a Q&A format as per the creator claims. (Got this ideaof Q&A format from Goutami of Beauty Frontline)
I strongly feel that  my readers too will get a better understanding of the product and my experience.

1)Does it make hair greasy
>>Not at all, Infact it makes your hair more manageable. I felt this to be a light hair oil that adds some lusture/life to your hair. Your hair remains soft, 5 times bouncier compared to other oils I have tried.

2)Does it remove hairfall/dandruff
>>Honestly, I have a healthy hair and I don’t have unusual hairfall/dandruff. So, Really can’t comment on those areas

3)Does it reduces itchiness of scalp
>>Yes, very much. It leaves a cooling effect on my hair after each wash and I love how smooth, shiny and bouncier my hair looks

4)How often do you oil your hair and how long have you been using it
>>I oil my hair 3-4 times a week. usually at evening. I am nearly finishing a bottle and already got another one. So far, I am convinced by the results

5)Does it promotes hair growth
>>No hair oil/hair care products can impart hair growth in 1-2 months. it depends on how often you oil your hair, what all healthy diet you follow and the hair growth varies from person-person. It takes time for any sort of hair product to reduce hairfall/dandruff/stimulate hair growth etc. One has to be really patient enough to follow the oiling, massaging and washing methods to see good results. I think it will take minimum one  year for hair growth.

6)What do you think is contained in this hair oil
>>Curryleaves,Tulsi,Amla,Virgin Coconut Oil, Neem, Bhringraj, Henna, Castor Oil, Hibiscus, Mustard, Brahmi, Ashwagandha, fenugreek, I dunno whether  the 14 ingredients I guessed is right….:) Lancy, You are the best person to answer it…

7)How does it smell
As it has all natural ingredients, It has a herbal smell which is not too strong. I like it 🙂

I already got another bottle in their new packaging! which is definitely travel friendly..:)




  • adds volume to the hair
  • makes hair smooth, manageable, shiny
  • with regular usage, itchiness of scalp and thereby dryness of scalp and dandruff can be reduced
  • can be used as a pre wash and post wash treatment too
  • contains 18 herbal ingredients, completely organic, home made
  • With continuous usage, claim to stimulate hair growth and reduce hairfall


You can see in the picture that my natural curls are enhanced and my hair felt smooth, silky and shiny


My Rating: 5/5; I don’t see any con for this..It worked great on my hair and I think I will keep on repurchasing this.

My final Verdict : Go…grab it girls…You will never be disappointed…Don’t think of miraculous results…Any product will take its own time. But, I can see my self continuing to use this till I find a better one. Right now in India, this is the best hair oil available 🙂
All thanks to wonderful Lancy and her Mom for bringing this 🙂

Have you tried this hair oil from MABH. What is your opinion about it. 

**Note: Old packaged product purchased by myself. Newly packaged product send by PR for consideration



Entrepreneur, Makeup geek, Shopaholic, Dreamer, Love product photography. Passionate about makeup and living naturally. Welcome to my little world of secrets!

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  1. NidsGautam says:

    very well reviewed renjo.. n touchwood.. u have lovely hair.. I am so J of them 😛
    now i am gonna buy it for sure.. let me finish off my current stock 😀

    1. thanks a lot honey..of course u have awesome hair too 🙂 <3 touchwood!

  2. Lancy says:

    Thanks a lot for the honest n wonderful review Renji.. It means a lot to me! Loving your hair and its bounciness here! 🙂

    1. thanks a ton sweetie <3 please don't stop making this oil 🙂

  3. Lancy says:

    And coming the ingredients.. Whoa! You have guessed many right!! 🙂 However the oil doesn’t contain henna, castor oil and amla. Amla makes the oil greasy and dark and so we avoided it. However, henna is a great natural hair pack!!

    If you need more info on the product, you can feel free to be in touch with me here – lancy (at) makeupandbeautyhome (dot) com

    And I am so happy that you like the product!! Have a great day <3

    1. i guessed many right 🙂 wow!! I remember in my childhood days, my mom used to make some home made oil… guessed by that memories 🙂 no as its hard to find all medicinal plants. She also stopped making it for me…Also it needs a lot of hardwork, patience etc…

  4. Revathy HealthnBeauty says:

    awesome, honest n to the point review! the best I have read on this product…

    u already know how much I love ur hair & m totalllyyyyyyyyyy JJJJJJJJJJJJJjj of it 😀

    m gonna pick it soon once my current stock is over… got atleast 3 bottles to finish already 😛

    1. hhehehe 😛 thanks revu 🙂 do try it..this is good

  5. OMG do i love your hair or do i love your hair 😀
    And it’s the first time i’m hearing of MABH.. ^_^

    1. thanks Shruti 🙂

  6. salawa says:

    I live in uk how can I order this oil please

    1. Hi Salawa..You can get it touch with lancy of MABH ;

      1. salawa says:

        thank you so much I have been in touched but never got response

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