A Simple DIY: A remedy for your under eye circles, fine lines & wrinkles

Hi dearies…
Today I am going to explain step by step on how to prepare your own product to treat your fine lines, wrinkles and under eye circles….

It is going to be a picture heavy post 🙂 Enjoy Guys!

Evening Prime Rose Oil and Vitamin E oil

When it comes to skincare, natural is always the best. You might have noticed
evening primerose oil and Vitamin E oil as the key ingredients in almost all the anti ageing as well as Eye cream products available in the market.

Evening primrose, a wild yellow flower, also known as oenothera biennis scientifically, shows miracles in treating several skin disorders like eczema, acne, etc. It has a wide range of healing powers.

Evening Primrose Oil, can help you achieve great results without the expense and discomfort of many anti ageing beauty procedures that involve surgery, injections and other methods that have not guarantees and certainly do not promise lasting results.

They are rich in antioxidants and has anti ageing properties which help
Rejuvenate your skin,dramatically decreases fine lines and wrinkles,helps to smooth rough skin.

  • Helps hydrate extremely dry skin
  • Helps the skin to produce new skin cells
  • Aids in repairing the skin at the cellular level
  • Helps to lighten dark circles under the eyes, making them appear less tired and younger
  • Gives skin better elasticity by creating firmer skin
  •  Reduces blemishes and noticeable redness by evening out skin tone
  • Can help to reduce inflammation associated with skin disorders such as rosacea
  • Work to prevent the effects of ageing of the skin on the outside as well as on the outside
  •  Helps to reduce and lessen the signs of ageing.
How to prepare the mix

1)You will need 6 to 8 evening prime rose oil caps , cut open them using a pinted pin tip or scissor and squeeze the oil onto the clean jar as shown in the picture

  1. Now its the time to add Vitamin E oil, I use Body Shop Vitamin E oil,
You need 6 dips of Vitamin E oil, Mix it onto the prime rose oil

  1. Using a Q tip gently mix the ingredients together

    Consistency should be thick.. it shouldn’t be too watery kind

    It should look like this below

    Your mix is ready….
    Now, the usage
    you need to clean the face using a chemical free natural cleanser, most likely aloe cleanser and now using the Q tip, gently take very little amount and apply it in dots on the affected area such as around the mouth, nose and under eyes, make sure, you gently dab the product onto the area using your ring finger in gentle circular motions…
    You can use it 10 minutes before application of your make up, make sure you use a tiny amount, or else your skin will look greasy, If you use tiny amount, It will get absorbed on to the skin very easily and within 10 minutes you can put your make up on…
    I usually use it before going to bed, and soon after waking up(after cleansing, before moisturiser)
    My skin feels really hydrated and velvety soft when I wake up each morning…and I really really trust this, you just need 2 ingredients, and it can save you a lot of money, It gives you the same results which your night creams give and it can be used to remove fine lines and wrinkles…It is good for under eye circles as well,

    I am not asking you to skip your night cream routine, but for a change, try this an see the results for yourself…If you use it regularly, you can also prevent wrinkles as well as your skin will always be acne free as well as puppy soft, My husband also use this and he too liked it, you can see the result from the very first application
    You can get the evening prime rose oil from all health stores, pharmacy, sainsbury, boots, superdrug, target etc
    Don’t forget to try this at home and tell me the results,
    I highly recommend this to everyone, I have a combination skin and I found it to be very useful than applying almond oil or other oils alone…
    You can either store it in fridge or outside…
    Quoting the steps again:


Entrepreneur, Makeup geek, Shopaholic, Dreamer, Love product photography. Passionate about makeup and living naturally. Welcome to my little world of secrets!

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1 Comment

  1. Hi there! 🙂 I love your blog and making DIY things is just so fun! Thanks for this amazing step by step!
    I have nominated you for a Liebster-award! Check out this link for the other nominees and my questions for you! Hope I hear back from you!

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