10 ways to deal with clogged pores

Our skin releases the oil and sweat from small openings on our face that are pores. Due to dirt, pollution and other factors these pores get clogged. When pores get clogged it leads to blackheads, whiteheads and skin concerns. Everybody has pores but oily skin people have more visible pores than other skin types. Open …

DIY: How to make a Strawberry Facial Mask at Home

Hi beauties….Today I am wit ha DIY for you all makeupgeeks!! Every girl loves face mask! Face masks are a great way to feed your skin healthy antioxidants. I love creating my own homemade masks at home since it’s inexpensive and the natural ingredients are gentle on my super sensitive skin.  How about making your own …

DIY: How to make your own thread bangles @ Home

Hi dearies…Hope you all are enjoying the weekend!! i was all buy since morning making my own thread bangles!! Yes, You read it right…I was doing this awesome DIY task!!!presenting before you this awesome..The other day, I was organising my jewelry stuffs and then I realised that I have a couple of old wooden bangles which lost …

DIY: An Effective Home Remedy to promote hair growth and reduce hair fall

Hello dearies….Hope you all are enjoying the week!! my week started with the 30 day Eye-makeup  Challenge…I am really enjoying the tag!! hope you guys are also having the same fun!!! 3 of my dearies were asking me about my hair care routine, They gave me the idea of posting this new seriesMy Hair care …

A Simple DIY: A remedy for your under eye circles, fine lines & wrinkles

Hi dearies…Today I am going to explain step by step on how to prepare your own product to treat your fine lines, wrinkles and under eye circles…. It is going to be a picture heavy post 🙂 Enjoy Guys! Evening Prime Rose Oil and Vitamin E oilWhen it comes to skincare, natural is always the best. …

DIY – Chocolate Face Pack for a Chocolate Facial at Home

Hi dearies…..Hope you are all doing good…I actually wish to start a DIY section on my blog….What do you say…Today I wish to actually tell you how to make a Chocolate Face Pack….We all enjoy the yummy taste of Choclates..ain’t we?have you ever thought Chocolates are good for your skin 🙂Yes they are…Dark chocolate facial masks have …