One of the highest number of requests I get on a daily basis is to write a post on Pregnancy Hospital Bag Checklist. If you are my regular reader you might already know that I am a new mom, #MomOfTwins. As much as I wish to keep my family series personal. I would not want you guys to miss what all I packed for my hospital bag. My version is very different from the general ones that you might have already read on internet. Being as luxurious and OCD kind of a person that I am, I didn’t wanted to miss out on any single thing. So my research on hospital bag essentials started somewhere early. I am glad I did. Why so, Will let you guys know in a different post. Let me know if you’d like to read my Pregnancy Stories. A BUMP series. It’s quite interesting I tell you especially, apart from 1 friend no one had a wild guess too regarding my pregnancy. Well, stories to be told later. Let’s jump right into the post or some of you who read till here already started to get bored.

Before I talk about the Hospital Bag Essentials. Let me tell you, I was expecting twins. So, my bag essentials are x 2 for all and I had 3 bags packed for the hospital. One for myself and 2 for my precious cupcakes <3
Now, every Birthing centers or hospitals are different. This list is a good start, However, it’s best to know in advance what all products/things will be supplied by your current hospital or birthing centre. It’s best to know that well ahead of time and this gives you a clear idea on what all needs to be purchased on your own.
Hospital Bag for Mommy Checklist – Here we go! If your due date is just around the corner. Make sure your hospital bag is well packed and ready with this super cool checklist.
Most Important – Hospital ID, Medial History/patient book/Hospital Medical Records/ Insurance Card or ID/ Birth Plan/ A list of emergency point of contacts.
- Keep all Medical records handy, This help your doctors easily review your medical history. Hospital ID, medical cards/insurance documents and necessary copies as well as your identity doc copies.
- Birth plan (if you have one). You might have discussed your birth plan with your doctor, Few copies printed and available for duty doctors and on-call nurses; Help everyone refer to it in case of any last-minute questions.
- Bathroom Slippers and socks ( 4-5 pairs of socks actually – Why stressing on this because, most moms will have swollen feet by the due date due to water retention. thermal socks/normal ones aid a lot in dealing with the leg pain and also it keeps your foot warm. Believe it or not, your feet can get super cold during labour.
- Loose, comfy clothes for hospital stay and change of clothes during discharge, extra outfit if a photography is planned. ( C-sec – night wear dress with zip are your best options) ; You are most likely to spend 4-5 days in Hospital if it’s a c-sec. Normal deliveries – 3 days or so ( Any comfy wear you select. Make sure it’s front open or nursing friendly. Nursing/Maternity Bras ( I admit I purchased few, But, My experience were horrible. I prefer normal ones. They are the best. Well, you’d know why when You experience it yourself.
- Underwear – soft ones ; You’d require a lot of it. Especially, You are most likely to put on those non fancy hospital pads ; So You’d want to change them every often. So, keeping that in mind decide how many you want to carry.
- Toiletries – Hairbrush, Toothpaste, toothbrush, Make sure you carry your soap, shampoo, comb, hair dryer, hand cream, essential makeup pouch (a lip balm, a mascara, a eyeliner, a compact, a lipstick) – Why you need makeup – Because you’d wanna look good and not like a monster head when your family/friends come to visit you and newborns 😀 ; Skincare – Moisturizer, few Sheet Masks, Face Wash/cleanser ; HAND SANITIZER ( carry 3-4 of them ) You want one by your bed side and one for whoever is going to touch the baby. One in your bathroom. Most hospitals would have it ready in rooms. But, I don’t like those medicated handrubs. I like to carry my own.
- Mobile, Charger, Internet Wireless Chip, camera with memory card that has lot of space, Kindle
- Wet Wipes, Tissue Papers, small face towels ; Plenty of them
- Nursing cape/Light weight dressing gowns/robes/cotton swaddle/ Nursing Tops – if you are particular about covering up while nursing new born.
- Flat shoes/sandals/flip flops & your special outfit ( You’d require it when there is a newborn shoot arranged by your hospital as part of your Birth plan) / in general if you’d like to click pics with newborn during the initial 3 days.
- Lots of hair ties, hairbands especially if you have rapunzel hair
- A comfortable nursing pillow
- Nursing pads to keep your breast soft and dry & Breast Pump (Most moms would have latching woe’s in the initial days. Breast Pump ensures you get enough milk to express and feed your little one. ( Note – Discuss with your doctor beforehand about feeding the lil one in the operation theatre itself. Babies should be kept skin to skin as much as possible in the first few days.
- Heavy-duty maternity pads. The hospital will provide some of these, but you may want to pack a few heavy-duty maternity pads, just in case. It’s normal to bleed a lot after the birth, and maternity pads are softer and more absorbent than standard pads. Initially you may need to change pads every one to two hours, but within a few days, the flow will start to decrease.; You know what I meant. You’ll bleed no matter what and You don’t want those hospital pads.
- Some essential dab-ons/balms for headache, leg ache etc.
- Eye Mask & Ear Plugs – Trust me, You’d need this. For me, I couldn’t sleep because of the light that was kept on and though there’s a partition I found it difficult to sleep with lights on. Eye Silk pillow helped me a lot to get catch that quick sleep and also remain active and fresh every 2-3 hours to breast feed my bubs.
- Virgin Coconut Oil or balm – This is going to be your multi-purpose oil. You will most likely be needing this for makeup removal/body moisturiser/Nipple cream
- Nail Cutter; Yes!! You would need it trust the course of time you want to stay in hospital with your new born you don’t want them to get pricked by your nails. So to make sure your nails are cut short and safe, it’s a must have.
With this hospital bag checklist, you’ll be well prepared for your time in the hospital. Read up on the signs of labour, so that you know when it’s time to grab the bag and be on your way. This checklist will help you prepare everything you’ll need for yourself.
Hospitals vary in their policies on what you are allowed to bring with you when you have your baby. For convenience, If you want, pack two bags: one for labour and the hours immediately after your baby is born, and another for a stay on the postnatal ward. If you’re driving to hospital, you could leave the second bag in the car. I am saying this because most hospitals allocate a room only after the delivery.
Once the bags are packed, keep them handy, either in the car or near the door, so you’ll be ready to go at a moment’s notice. Let me know if you’d like to see a Newborn Checklist. Good luck!
** Stock Images from Canva